Left Sam Houston Jones State Park at 10:00 this morning and arrived home at 2:00 this afternoon. Stopped for a short lunch break and had some Popeye's Chicken in Lafayette.
The wind was blowing hard again and blew me into the next lane several times. It was really gusty at about 27 miles per hour. On top of that, the large 18 wheelers would pass me by and cause a gust of wind themselves. Then when they would get in front of me I would feel their windy wake which tossed me around like a snake. I had to put up with that for about two hours and then it started to rain. So now there is more to hinder my safe driving. I held the steering wheel so tight, at times I could no longer feel my hands. My whole body was so tense and now sore as though I've been beat up. I've never been so happy to get home.
My Texas trip did not go as planned but I'm still glad I went. However, I won't be going back. After having enjoyed Port Aransas on three different trips, I think I've had my fill. The drive is just too long. My small Class B is not very comfortable for long extended trips. Too much to do to keep it functioning. Tanks are small and need dumping every 3 days, as well as taking on fresh water. I'll just enjoy it for small trips here locally. I have no desire to leave the state any longer.
I have come to realize that I am not an RVer but a camper. I like to put my rug out, my chairs out, my table out, open the awning, cook outside, read a book outside, etc. I don't like to drive especially the Interstate roads. So I'm a camper and I will do lots more camping. However, I'll be doing it within an hour or two of my house.
I just had a nice long hot soak in my tub and a glass of wine. Now I'm going to order some food from Applebee's and enjoy my supper in front of the fireplace. My little doggies are also so happy to be back home. They ran in the house and picked up some of their toys and ran into every room as if to check to see if they were really home. Poor little babies. Cha Bu was sick the first 8 days of the trip. She does not like the RV.
Click the link to see just how happy my doggies were to be home.
Travel Expenses for 12 day trip:
Fuel --------- $203.97
RV parks --- $252.00 including locksmith
Food -------- $248.97 including souvenirs
TOTAL ---- $704.94
This is a journal of my experiences while traveling with my Shih Tzus in a camper van.
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Thursday, December 8, 2016
Quintana Beach to Lake Charles
Left Quintana at 10:00 Wednesday morning and arrived in Lake Charles at 3:00 Wednesday afternoon. Stopped midway for a lunch break. It was a long day of driving but I really want to get home soon. One more night and I'll be back in my bed. Looking forward to a tub bath and a glass of wine in front of the fireplace.
I thought I had set my GPS settings for the quickest way home but it was set for the shortest way home. It took me into the Houston area and Baytown and down some pretty bad roads that had traffic backed up due to road repair. So it added 30 minutes to my travel time. I have now reset the GPS and I'm back on track.
Here at Sam Houston Jones State Park it is really quiet. Not many campers today. I've seen lots of deer and almost hit one coming into the park. Had to slam on my brakes to miss a group of about 5 in the road around a curve. Later another group came up to my campsite. They are so pretty. Wish I could pet one.
Really tired and going to bed early after one last walk with the dogs.
I thought I had set my GPS settings for the quickest way home but it was set for the shortest way home. It took me into the Houston area and Baytown and down some pretty bad roads that had traffic backed up due to road repair. So it added 30 minutes to my travel time. I have now reset the GPS and I'm back on track.
Here at Sam Houston Jones State Park it is really quiet. Not many campers today. I've seen lots of deer and almost hit one coming into the park. Had to slam on my brakes to miss a group of about 5 in the road around a curve. Later another group came up to my campsite. They are so pretty. Wish I could pet one.
Really tired and going to bed early after one last walk with the dogs.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Left Magnolia Beach at 10:00 this morning and arrived at Quintana Beach at 12:30 this afternoon. This is a very nice county park. I've been here once before, three years ago. I paid $20 for one night to have full hookups. That's fantastic.
It sure got warm and sunny fast. Last night we slept on the beach with no electric. It was really cold. I turned the generator on every now and then to run the electric heater, but not for long. I was low on propane so didn't run the RV heater. My little dogs were trembling when I woke this morning. I felt so bad that I didn't keep them warm with me under the covers. They had their sweaters on and I thought they would be warm, however the wind was hitting their side of the RV so they got the brunt of it all.
Cha Bu has just noticed that there is a beach in the distance.
Can't do much walking here as there are burrs everywhere. It took me a good while to remove some from the feet and hair of my dogs. There is no grass here that does not have the burrs so I have to take the dogs to the beach to potty. That's not going to work out so well later tonight. I just hope they use the puppy pads that I put on the floor. My poor little babies have not had an easy time on this trip. I'll have to make it up to them somehow.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Left Port Aransas at 11:30 this morning and arrived at Magnolia Beach at 1:30 this afternoon. Good driving conditions although still overcast and windy.
There are only 2 other RVs on the beach here. I guess it's just not the kind of weather campers want to experience. I prefer to go RVing in November but have been here in December as well.
There are only 2 other RVs on the beach here. I guess it's just not the kind of weather campers want to experience. I prefer to go RVing in November but have been here in December as well.
Will be taking it slow and easy going back home. No long days of driving for me.
Sunday, December 4, 2016
It was pretty dreary today. Stayed inside the RV and only walked the dogs once. Took them under the office for them to potty so they wouldn't get wet.
View from my bed. Can see the Gulf on the other side of the office.
Not much to do today but nap. The dogs are getting a little bored being inside so much... and so am I. We may leave for home tomorrow.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Cold front came through last night. It's now in the 50s and wind blowing about 18mph.
I put them on the table because the wind was blowing the sand in their eyes. It's really blowing on the beach.
Lots of activities at the pier. There were also several surfers out today.
Took a ride to Alister Street to my favorite shop and bought a few things. Then to the IGA for some items I ran out of. Got some Bar-B-Q ribs and a bag of chips for lunch and parked on the beach to enjoy.
Parked near the roadway. The beach was covered at high tide and looked a little soft to me.
Cha Bu enjoying herself.
We're back at the park and putting on our winter clothes as the temp is dropping. Tonight I'll be cooking pork chops and green beans and rice. Will be watching "Meet the Fockers" later tonight.
Cha Bu looking for little doggies.
Had a relaxing day.
Friday, December 2, 2016
The RV park is filling up and I've seen a couple of single travelers but not met them yet. We all seem to be staying indoors during this dreary day.
Woke up at 5:30 this morning which is unusual for me. I like to sleep late and so do the dogs. If I could just stay up longer at night but lately I fall asleep before 9:00pm.
Left the park at 7:30 this morning to park on the beach. Cooked my breakfast there - then walked the dogs several times. It is very overcast and gloomy today. No sunshine. However, I enjoyed reclining on my bed and looking out the window at the surf. The sound is wonderful. Very relaxing. Played my Ukulele for the first time in awhile. But mostly, I just chilled.
No sun today.
Great view out my door.
Before returning to the park, I rode by the rock jetties where there was a guy paragliding.
Not many fishing on the Rock Jetties today.
Cooked a hamburger spaghetti last night and had leftovers today for lunch, back at the park. Tried to wash off the dogs to get some of the sand out of their long hair. They are starting to stink and really need a bath. I wonder if I could sneak them into the bath house???
Last night I used my RV shower for the first time. I like having all my bath items handy but boy was it a tight fit. I hung a second shower curtain against the wall to cover the window. All in all, not a bad experience. I knew I had to dump my grey water tank so I used all the water I wanted. I also refilled my fresh water tank afterwards.
I'm going to take advantage of the next few cloudy days to just relax and read and watch movies. I have a hard time doing nothing although I think sometimes that is what I need to do... nothing. So I'm going to give myself permission to do just that. When the sun comes back I'll be enjoying the beach with my little doggies again.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
This is the only place that I can be on the beach in my RV with my dogs and see the sun rise.
It's been a great day.
Checked in to the RV park for a week... but spend the day parked on the beach. Rain is coming.
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